Where to Buy Aromatherapy Products

With the ever increasing popularity of aromatherapy, there is a wide range of options for where to buy aromatherapy products. This article will guide you to some of them.

Buying Aromatherapy Products in a Store

Many people’s first port of call is a local store. Bed, Bath and Beyond sells a wide range of aromatherapy products including aromatherapy reed diffusers, bath salts and aromatherapy candles.

Aromatherapy massage oils are available from major drugstore chains like Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid.  Health food stores are also good sources of aromatherapy essential oils. They can usually be found alongside herbal remedies and other alternative medicines.

Buying Aromatherapy Products from a Spa

Many day spas will be willing to sell the aromatherapy products that they use. In fact, this can often be a lucrative sideline for them. Most of them sell gift certificates, so if you have someone who you’d like to treat to some aromatherapy, they can buy professional aromatherapy treatment at the spa and use whatever is left over to buy aromatherapy products to continue the treatment at home.

Buying Aromatherapy Products Online

There are plenty of websites that specialize in aromatherapy products. BuyAromatherapy.com is a company based in Santa Fe that is a market leader in the online retail of aromatherapy products. They also sell in bulk if you wish to save money that way.

Wholisticscents.com is a subsidiary of the licensed therapy practice Wholistic Counseling Services. Their philosophy is that successful counseling involves treating the whole person, and that involves stimulating all the senses, including smell, hence their involvement with aromatherapy.

In addition to these specialist sites, major retail sites such as Amazon also sell aromatherapy oil. Some of the health store chains like the Vitamin Shoppe and GNC, as well as the stores mentioned above in the first section of this article, also have websites that enable you to buy their products online.

Herbal Remedies

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As well as the websites specializing in aromatherapy products, there are others selling mainly herbs. If you want to buy aromatherapy products and herbal remedies, you could do worse than to check out websites like iHerb or Herbspro. iHerb is highly rated by users of the comparison shopping site Shopping.com and prides itself on providing excellent value for money through the simplicity of its e-commerce platform. Herbspro is short for “herbs proven universally”. They sell gift packages as well asbulk herbs, so they may be worth checking out if you are buying aromatherapy products for someone else.

Whatever your preference, if you want to buy aromatherapy products, you have no shortage of options.

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